I think that it's pretty balanced. When
RuneScape gold I was learning rs3 the passing prices were borderline negligible since lower tiered gear has departure expenses that are minimal. Plus when the cost was somehow a problem at the reduced tiers (so basically no degradable gear) you could get your stuff for free in the gravestone. Now I'm learning higher degree pvm (vorago, nex solo, telos) the passing costs are much higher (approximately 1.5-2m+ rs3 (roughly 300k-400k osrs based on bond prices) minus the ring of passing ) however, being higher level, I could easily pay that sort of money since an hour at gwd2 will readily pay plenty of passing costs for higher finished pvm. It punishment for brand new RuneScape players, however much higher when you find higher finished pvm that's okay because if you are doing high degree pvm, you ought to have access to money making methods to easily pay for it.
I think it's wonderful. Losing them is insane when end game things may cost several months worth of farming gold. It was fine back when rune was bis and you could grind back it but end game things that are permently only sucks. I never did harmful PVM before for failing while studying was high since the punishment. Now it pay some GP and return into RuneScape game. Death prices ramp up with your equipment cost so you should be charged much you can not afford it, but still enough to make you want to avoid deaths so as to not destroy your own profits. It's also a gold sink.
I think that the choice and Death's office is best for you guys. Low degree RuneScape players recover at no cost and can run back to the tomb. I don't get Jagex stuck with the older reclaimation program with ToB Hydra, and whatnot. A flat fee that is 100k will underpunish veteran pvmers however induce them to use equipment and overpunish learners. The one issue using the system of RS3 would be graving would delete al items in your 1st grave. This would not be the situation for you guys. Not sure if this is a issue, but graves at RS3 evaporate than 15 minutes.
It's 1:45 for the gravestone that is fundamental and upward to minutes for the best one. So know your path back to get there on time and you want to have teleports prepared. But unlike OSRS, RS3 has slower run electricity depletion rates, convenient teleports, lodestones, and movement abilities to make getting back considerably quicker. And there is instead of paying Departure Ring of Death which requires a 15% off its charge and it permits you to maintain your familiar too. A cut onyx recharges this ring. But they simply cost 1.8m which to
buy OSRS GP is too cheap IMO.