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Why CS Trust is the Best Company for Labuan Company Formation

  • August 17, 2017

    Few people around the world enjoy the guilty pleasure of paying taxes. Most people would like to avoid paying taxes on their income, which gave birth to tax havens. Tax havens are places, which charge minimal taxes on income of individuals and companies and have far less stringent tax laws than in other territories globally. There are many tax havens around the globe but few better than Labuan. CS Trust is a Labuan based company offering you consultancy services for Labuan company formation.

    CS Trust offers personalized and fast services with the help of qualified staff at their behest. The company helps its clients form companies in the tax haven allowing them to enjoy the tax allowances and subsidies provided to companies of Labuan. Company formation in Labuan is not an easy task. Due to the lenient tax laws, many companies from around the globe aim to set up shell companies in the Malaysian territory. CS Trust helps you glide through the process of incorporating your company in Labuan ensuring you comply with all the rules and regulations of the state to enjoy such benefits.

    CS Trust being a local, Labuan based company provides you honest and professional consultancy to form your Labuan Trust Company. The company ensures you of providing their services at the lowest prices juxtapose to the exorbitant prices charged by the foreign companies that help you setup your company in Labuan. CS Trust employees follow all the professional ethics and strive hard to help their clients throughout the process of company formation.

    Boasting of international affiliation with audit and tax consultancy firms based in Singapore, Labuan and Kuala Lumpur, CS Trust is one of the best in the industry. CS Trust has been an integral part of the industry since its formation in 1999 and has helped various companies with Labuan company setup from over 30 nations from around the world. They aim to provide cost-effective services of company formation for you to enjoy all the benefits of incorporating a company in Labuan.

    CS Trust being based in Labuan, is always available for help to their clients even after the company formation and also provides accounting and auditing support to its clients apart from providing information and consultancy regarding the various tax laws of the territory.

    For more information about CS Trust, visit