my event 717 » Discussions


  • November 24, 2017
    How is Helping People Donate their Money to Right Place

    Muslims are all over the world and they believe in donating their hard earned money to NGOs and Islamist organizations working for greater good of the people. But, does that money really helps people? In most of the cases, it doesn’t happen. People donate money with good intentions and that money gets used for works like terrorism and political motives, which isn’t good.

    This happens because Jihadist and crook political groups ask for donation by disclaiming that they are true Islamic organizations and they will work for the betterment of people living in the host nation. The donor is living far off; he doesn’t know whether his hard earned money is getting used for buying bread for poor or bombing common people. Initiatives like are of great help in such scenarios. is a web portal that has been created with the purpose of helping people get the right, legit and precise information about the Islamist organizations.

    This is how the concept of this portal works; you are Muslim wanting to donate some money for the betterment of people living in struggling countries. Now, what you can do is, you can donate your money to local NGOs and Islamic organizations and hope that your money will reach to the needy people who are struggling with life. But how would you know that which NGO is truly working for people? Which NGO/organization will use your money for suffering people?

    There is no way to know that, right? But, if you are provided with the names and location of all the legit and devoted organizations, you can send your money to right entity and that money will reach to the needy people. This is where is helpful! On this portal there is a map containing locations and names of all the honest organizations working out worldwide.

    FIOE (Federation of Islamic Organization Europe), Muslim Brotherhood, British Muslim Initiative, Muslim Association of Britain and Muslim Council of Britain are some of the organizations that feature on All the information available on this portal is taken from renowned news articles and academic researches. The people behind this portal have made sure that all the information is right and no false organization is being published by them. have given emphasis on listing the organization and NGOs which are affiliated with the Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, AKP, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Turkpress or Milli Görüs. This portal is really making sincere efforts to give Islam its true essence.

    For more information, visit