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Thermal Consultant

  • January 24, 2020
    With the rise in the number and diversity of electronic systems, the problems associated such systems have also multiplied many times. Thermal problems are some of them. The ever-increasing heat generation or consumption in electronic devices is not only harmful to the environment, but also to the devices themselves. Because high power ultimately means high temperature. And high temperature affects the reliability and useful life of these devices. High temperature also affects user experience, e.g., touch discomfort in handheld devices, and room temperature in consumer electronics.

    That’s why electronic devices should not only be designed for core functions, but also for thermals. And this where thermal engineering comes into the picture. Thermal engineering is all about how heat is generated and dissipated inside systems. It is an area that relies on the principles of heat and mass transfer and thermodynamics - all to make sure that devices are designed to work efficiently and optimally.

    Today, thousands of engineers specialize in thermal engineering every year. These engineers help various companies design thermally-sound systems. These engineers are part of any electronic system design group, alongside mechanical, electrical and system engineers. There are also several thermal consultants who help companies who do not have the necessary inhouse expertise. Thermal Design Solutions is one of them.

    Thermal Design Solutions is a leading thermal consultant firm that provides consulting services in thermal design and thermal management. It has decades of experience in many areas of thermal engineering, working with several well-known technology companies. It provides services in such areas as thermal analysis and simulations, testing, material selections, and thermal support in all phases of product development.

    Thermal Design Solutions strives to provide cost-effective, optimal and reliable thermal solutions to its clients. As thermal design consultant, we have years of experience in many areas of applications, including in computers and consumer electronics, telecommunications, medical applications, power supply, defense and aerospace applications.

    If you are looking for a thermal analysis consultant who can help you with your project, please contact us by phone or email at [email protected]. We will be happy to discuss your project with you. You may also visit our website to learn more about us and about the areas we have worked in the past: