Zici Tabs: Leading Company Offering Effective Telephony Solutions to Businesses
Quality assurance of products and services offered by any business is very important to make reputation in the market place. Many companies and business organizations record their customer calls to improve their customer care services and for employee training. It allows them to listen that quality and perfect calls taken by their sales person and keep them as a sample call that can be utilized in training sessions for the new team members in firm. There is one leading company, Zici Tabs that offers telephony solutions for those organizations and businesses who need tools for
CDR analysis and reporting the calling activity of their employees receiving telephonic orders from clients.
Zici Tabs is leading the market in providing the best services to improve the quality delivery in the areas of voice recording, call centre reporting, soft consoles and calling activity management. They offer their best services possible which can meet all their client’s needs since 2001. Their applications and products have many features which can enhance all the internal telecommunication process. All their services and
call recording solutions make the process easier in both traditional calling platform and the latest IP platforms.
They distribute and install their best telephony applications and system integrators in New Zealand, Australia and Pacific islands. Their end users include local and national government departments, multi-national manufactures, financial institutions, legal institutions and contact centers. They are known for their outstanding services of reporting, auditing and consulting that all are advantageous on cost management and improve network performance. They also offer
Skype for business call center which can make the interaction with the client’s easier and fulfill all their requirements.
Sometimes, most of the business faces miscommunication with their clients and that is why they may lose their valuable clients. In such scenario it becomes imperative for the company to have high quality call recording system. If you are looking for the best telephony solution and telecommunication expense control applications for your company then Zici Tabs is a company your can rely on.
For more details regarding efficient telecommunication solutions, you can log on to