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You might be a complete dick bc

  • Leader
    September 20, 2019
    This permits the kingdom to hold the old 3,000 limit, but may allow for 6,000, kingdom pops. If you are on a layer you will understand all of those 3,000 players constantly plus they won't phase from you, however when you logout and log in there is a good chance you won't even be delegated that previous layer so you'll see 3,000 fresh players.Unfortunately the layers are assigned randomly upon log-in, and if you want to play the same layer as a friend or someone, you want to invite them to your party and they'll stage into your layer.

    One streamer said they requested a dev:"What if my guild on Alliance would like to raid the opposing Horde guild on their domain as they're in their way to BRS?" The dev replied with:"Unfortunately there's a chance that you won't see them since they'll be on a different layer than you." They promised that layering will be 100% gone before Phase 2 starts, but what's your take on this? I know sharding/layering is probably vital to have WoW Classic in a working state upon release but in addition, it seems like it's already pissing a lot of people off. Not my words, from a forum.

    I truly hate that idea. I believe the portion of vanilla was the community. You knew certain players in your server bc they had the hand of rag or else they had been really well geared or they were famous for a different reason. You tried to beat on each other and PvPed against the members of the faction. I believe sharding will destroy that sense of community and it is not gonna be a multiplayer game. It's gonna be like present WoW Classic in which you just play on your own and set out of necessity. You might be a complete dick bc no one knows you and is log out and log back into a new layer.

    I believe that is really taking a LOT away from the vanilla encounter and honestly is a turn off for me. I'm glad that at least they are saying that by stage two, layering will probably be gone. Still don't think it ought to be in WoW Classic at the first place. Idk that is my 2 cents and I think that the community is not happy with it. A good deal of the vanilla neighborhood is coming from personal servers today (my self included, although I'm not as hard core as a lot of those men ) and on personal servers that has never been thing.Yes sharding is bad for Vanilla at the beginning but I think its good for its longevity. Blizzard clearly wants players that are new to play with Vanilla because a portion of the veterans who used to play with with wont come back cause adult life. If the experience for these new players is a laggy game since there's so many players in which you cant do shit imagine. . .They wont stay long.

    All in all I believe"layering" is necessary for the first couple of weeks and so far, from what they've shown, Im confident it will be gone before Phase 2. My only issue is that a massive chunk of the Vanilla WoW Classic community isn't getting the beta, but the retail gamers are getting it. I understand that there are a few people who play retail that also plays with Vanilla, but I spoke to a lot of high endgame guilds from personal server on a few discord servers, and it seems like nobody even has an active WoW Classic sub. So I feel like Blizzard is currently doing a disservice to the seasoned vanilla gamers who have been playing on the private servers for ages. But I understand that is only a part, although there are a few people who play with both.

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