The English football world is in disarray following the seemingly delusional omi sions ofMicahRichards and MichaelCarrickand not to mention theparticularlytouchy subject of Rio Ferdinand.My blog will explain why such decisions have been made.Just to clear upIam in no wayandITK or anything like that all
Abiatal Avelino Jersey it takes is a littleresearchto know these things.So, here we go.A Rebel Without A CauseMicahRichards is a superb player that helped Manchester City to the PremierLeaguetitle.However, Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini isofthe opinion that Richards has a small butnoticeableattitude problem.He has fought with MarioBalotelliat Citys training ground.Admittedly Micah has been loyalregardingthe youth set up atinternationallevel winning 14 caps with the u21 team.With that
Conner Menez Jersey in mind Micah seems a rather loyalfellowbut here is the clincher when RoyHodgsonpicked his full team and back up list Micah was placed on the back up list,he notified the manger of his disgust and said hedidnteven want to be considered for back up so bye byeMicah.EvenTonyHibbertand Danny Simpsonperformedbetter in the league than Micah did.Heres the stats that matter in the premier league this seesMicahRichards had 10 clean sheets blocked the ball 14 times and made 32 clearances.DannySimpsonsrecord is much better 14 clean sheets and 15 blocks and made 46 clearances.The argument against this ofcourseis Richards plays for muchbetterteam and thus does le s defending.Ininternationalfootball however defending is of higher importance and being England wedefendmuch more than SpainGermanyetc.That football fans is why Micah Richardsisnton the
Willie McCovey Jersey plane to Poland and Ukraine.The Fountain of YouthJordan Henderson is captain of the England u21s,MichaelCarrickhasnt had a call up since the 2010 World Cup (one of the mostunsucce sfulWorld Cups in recent history for England)Carrickremained an unused player in the tournament.Now Jordan Henderson is 21 years of age and the English footballing public have been loving getting on his back andgenerallycalling forCarrickto becalledup instead.These footballing experts have overlooked the fact that England (probably wont win Euro 2012)and it is better to integrate a young player into the team,than calling up an older player who doesnt add that much to the team anyway.The same with Rio Ferdinand, (admittedly the main reason I think
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Tony Watson Jersey wont comment on because simply I do not know enough of the situation and I am in nopositionto comment about this i sue) Martin Kelly is good young player and theexperience at major tournament is invaluable. For many ofEnglandsplayers this tournament will betheirlast, RoyHodgsonneeds to bed in young players to makeEnglandsucce sful. Without a doubt England have some good young players. RaheemSterling at Liverpool Ro s Barkley atEvertonand Ravel Morrison at ManUtdI could go on.The youth is the future and England severely need to embrace it.JT