The Pathology Department was established in 1880, the first autopsy conducted in 1882. In 1896, Sir V.M. Haffkine worked on the preparation of plague vaccine in the F.D. Petit Laboratory of G.M.C. (which is today o... moreHISTORY OF GRANT MEDICAL COLLEGE:
The Pathology Department was established in 1880, the first autopsy conducted in 1882. In 1896, Sir V.M. Haffkine worked on the preparation of plague vaccine in the F.D. Petit Laboratory of G.M.C. (which is today occupied by Pharmacology Department).
Robert Koch's work on Vibrio cholerae was done in two rooms of the old animal house behind coroner's court. Van Duke Carter, after whom the O.P.D. Laboratory of Sir J.J.H. is named discovered in pathology department the Spirochaetes of Relapsing Fever in Blood smears in 1907. It was here that Christopher and Caval worked on Malaria and Dr. Raghavendra Rao worked in on Tropical Diseases, Leprosy, Plague & Leishmaniasis.
In 1929, the Department was shifted to the new building of Pathology School thanks to the munificence of the Tatas. Dr. V.R. Khanolkar the Doyen of Pathology in our Country initiated work on cancer epidemiology. He was the founder member and the first president of the Indian Associat... less
The Pathology Department was established in 1880, the first autopsy conducted in 1882. In 1896, Sir V.M. Haffkine worked on the preparation of plague vaccine in the F.D. Petit Laboratory of G.M.C. (which is today o... more