Chakaraka Chakarakachak chak chak....Makaraka Makaraka mak mak mak....who are we ?....GMCites!!who are we ?....GMCites!!This group is for all GMCites as those who studied / worked at Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India are known as.Grant Medical College ... moreChakaraka Chakarakachak chak chak....Makaraka Makaraka mak mak mak....who are we ?....GMCites!!who are we ?....GMCites!!This group is for all GMCites as those who studied / worked at Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India are known as.Grant Medical College is THE FIRST medical college started in Mumbai and is THE OLDEST.Grant Medical College and Sir J.J. Gr.of Hospitals is a premier and prestigious Institution. It is amongst the ten best medical colleges in the country. (India Today survey 2007).All GMCites around the world are invited to join this group to know /interact with each other.The aim also is to introduce this great college, its great history to the medical fraternity world over. Dr. Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine did his Bubonic plague research in Framji Dinshaw Petit research laboratory, b. 1891 in Grant Medical college. He succeeded in preparing a vaccine which saved countless lives.Robert Koch's work on Vibrio cholerae was done in two rooms of the old animal house of then Grant Medical college. ... less
Life: ॒@ Dr. V. C. Talwalkar, Thanks for the correction. I had complied the information whatever was available to me at the time. I will update it.
July 21, 2013
Life: Please read the first post upwards to know the great history of Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India, which is one of the best college of international reputation.
March 12, 2008
Life: Grant Medical college is not only all study and no play. Every year the student celebrate a four day students festival called "Aastitva" meaning Existance when students participate in all sorts of cultural.sports, extracarricular activities. ... moreGrant Medical college is not only all study and no play. Every year the student celebrate a four day students festival called "Aastitva" meaning Existance when students participate in all sorts of cultural.sports, extracarricular activities. Many scenes from the much popular Hindi Cinema 'Munnabhai MBBS' was shot in GMC especially Anatomy lecture hall which is historic. Many greats from the history of medicine such as Robert Cock have worked/researched here.
March 12, 2008
Life: Till 1998 the Grant Medical College was affiliated to the University of Bombay for both graduate and postgraduate degree. In 1998 govt of Maharashtra started a seperate health university called Maharashtra Unviersity of Health Sciences ( MUHS) which is lo... moreTill 1998 the Grant Medical College was affiliated to the University of Bombay for both graduate and postgraduate degree. In 1998 govt of Maharashtra started a seperate health university called Maharashtra Unviersity of Health Sciences ( MUHS) which is located at Nasik north of Mumbai. Till 2007 the postgraduate degree was awarded by University of Bombay. Now it too has taken over by MUHS.
March 12, 2008
Life: Today Grant Medical college admits 200 students per year through Common Entrance Test conducted by govt of Maharashtra. 70 % of students are from Western part of Maharashtra where Mumbai is situated, 30 % of students are from state level quota, 15 % ar... moreToday Grant Medical college admits 200 students per year through Common Entrance Test conducted by govt of Maharashtra. 70 % of students are from Western part of Maharashtra where Mumbai is situated, 30 % of students are from state level quota, 15 % are admitted through All India Entrance Test. at postgraduate level 50 % students are admitted through statel evel Entrance Exam while rest 50% are admitted through All India Entrance Test conducted by central govt of India.
The Research Society started functioning in 1965 in the Skin & Serology Dept. building on the 2nd floor with an office & research library and a proposed space for a research laboratory.
The Research Society has the follo... moreThe Research Society
The Research Society started functioning in 1965 in the Skin & Serology Dept. building on the 2nd floor with an office & research library and a proposed space for a research laboratory.
The Research Society has the following aims & objectives:
1. To promote & encourage research & medical science in various departments of GMC & J.J.H. 2. Sponsor all such activities conducted to promotion of medical science & all such measures to fulfill objectives.
The Founder members were:- Dr. J. G. Parekh, Dr. P. M. Udani, Dr. B. J. Vakil, Dr. S. J. Shah, Dr. N. G. Talwalkar, Dr. J.C. Joshipura & Dr. B. B. Gaitonde.
Currently, the Research Society in its 40th year is still making major contributions in field of medical research by sponsoring various research projects undertaken by post-graduate students under the guidance of senior doctors. Many of these research projects are presently ongoing. It awards Post Graduate Students for the Best Research paper and also for the ... less
The greatest change to G.M.C. & J.J.H. came in 1958 when the old J.J. building was torn down and replaced by a 7 storeyed hospital building. The O.P.D. was extended to contain Investigation Laboratories. morePost-Independence Reconstructions
The greatest change to G.M.C. & J.J.H. came in 1958 when the old J.J. building was torn down and replaced by a 7 storeyed hospital building. The O.P.D. was extended to contain Investigation Laboratories.
Today it is spread over 44 acres (178,000 m²) in Byculla with 14 gates, a long jump from the two-room teaching hospital in an area of 4 acres.
During the early 1900s all prestigious professional posts were held by British I.M.S. officers, while Indians were given only non-clinical appointments. In 1921, the Non-Cooperation movement appealed to GMCites to boycott t... moreNon-Cooperation Movement
During the early 1900s all prestigious professional posts were held by British I.M.S. officers, while Indians were given only non-clinical appointments. In 1921, the Non-Cooperation movement appealed to GMCites to boycott the British government by leaving G.M.C. Students, Professors and Practitioners began shifting to Topiwala National Medical College near Victoria Gardens. Masses were held between 6-8 p.m. for medical students by famous medical practitioners, all GMCites. To prove that Indians themselves could build and maintain medical institutions without British support, the K.E.M. Hospital and Seth G.S.Medical College where the entire staff was Indian were founded in 1926. less
March 12, 2008
Life: The first M.D. of Bombay University was Dr. Anna Moreshwar Kunte in 1876. Another GMCite Dr. K.N. Bahadurji was the first Indian to obtain M.D. from London and who died of plague in 1896 while in charge of the Passes Plaque Hospital. In his memory the &qu... moreThe first M.D. of Bombay University was Dr. Anna Moreshwar Kunte in 1876. Another GMCite Dr. K.N. Bahadurji was the first Indian to obtain M.D. from London and who died of plague in 1896 while in charge of the Passes Plaque Hospital. In his memory the "Student Sick Ward" was built. This was torn down and replaced in 1908 to make room for the William Moore Operation Theatre.
Initially in 1845, J.J.Hospital had only a casualty and an Out Patient Department with a dispensary behind it. Soon in 1951, the Obstetric institution was built thanks to Sir J.J.'s donations. In 1892, the Obstetric ward became the Parsee ward.
In 1866, the Ophthalmic Hospital was erected by the donation given by Sir Cowasjee Jehangirjee. In 1930 it was remodeled by Sir J. Duggan in a three-storeyed building remodeled it for which Sir Cowasjee Jehangir, Third Baronet, donated a large sum. This was later reformed as the O.P.D. In this small placealso existed the medical Dept., Minor Surgery, E.N.T. Dept., and Denta... less
March 12, 2008
Life: The Pathology Department was established in 1880, the first autopsy conducted in 1882. In 1896, Sir V.M. Haffkine worked on the preparation of plague vaccine in the F.D. Petit Laboratory of G.M.C. (which is today occupied by Pharmacology Department). <... moreThe Pathology Department was established in 1880, the first autopsy conducted in 1882. In 1896, Sir V.M. Haffkine worked on the preparation of plague vaccine in the F.D. Petit Laboratory of G.M.C. (which is today occupied by Pharmacology Department).
Robert Koch's work on Vibrio cholerae was done in two rooms of the old animal house behind coroner's court. Van Duke Carter, after whom the O.P.D. Laboratory of Sir J.J.H. is named discovered in pathology department the Spirochaetes of Relapsing Fever in Blood smears in 1907. It was here that Christopher and Caval worked on Malaria and Dr. Raghavendra Rao worked in on Tropical Diseases, Leprosy, Plague & Leishmaniasis.
In 1929, the Department was shifted to the new building of Pathology School thanks to the munificence of the Tatas. Dr. V.R. Khanolkar the Doyen of Pathology in our Country initiated work on cancer epidemiology. He was the founder member and the first president of the Indian Association of Pathologists in 1949. Dr. P.V. Gha... less
Immediately after the First World War, there was a great rush of students to the college. To continue to provide effective instruction training at the bedside of patients, the Gokuldas Tejpal Hospital was util... moreGradual Expansion of Sir. J.J.Hospital
Immediately after the First World War, there was a great rush of students to the college. To continue to provide effective instruction training at the bedside of patients, the Gokuldas Tejpal Hospital was utilized as a teaching center in the subjects of Medicine and Surgery in 1924. This arrangement has since been continued to date.
Gradually the facilities at the Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals were also increased. The Sir Leslie Wilson Hospital Fund played an important part. The Yellappa Balaram pavilion (104 beds), Sir David Sassoon Hospital (97 beds and O.T.), Byramjee Jejeebhoy Hospital for Children (100 beds) were constructed and the Sir C.J. Ophthalmic Hospital was reconstructed (adding 73 beds). less
March 12, 2008
Life: Please read the first post upwards to know the history of Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India
March 11, 2008
Life: The Bombay University was founded in 1857. In 1860, Grant Medical College became one of the four colleges recognized by it for teaching courses leading to degrees (others being Elphinstone College, Deccan College and Government Law College, Mumbai). With ... moreThe Bombay University was founded in 1857. In 1860, Grant Medical College became one of the four colleges recognized by it for teaching courses leading to degrees (others being Elphinstone College, Deccan College and Government Law College, Mumbai). With its affiliation to the University, GMC's entrance exams were abolished. Matriculation in Bombay University was made a necessary qualification for admission to the Medical College. The G.G.M.C. degree was replaced by L.M. (Licentiate of Medicine) which later gave way to L.M.&S. (Licentiate of Medicine and Surgery) and finally to M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery). less
March 11, 2008
Life: The first group of students admitted to the Grant Medical College, Bombay, on November 1,1845 were:
Free: Bhau Daje Parsekar, Monoel A.D. Carvalho, Sebestian A.D. Carvalho Stipendary: Atmaram Pandurang, Paul Francis Gomes, Fardemjee Jamshetji, Anan... moreThe first group of students admitted to the Grant Medical College, Bombay, on November 1,1845 were:
Free: Bhau Daje Parsekar, Monoel A.D. Carvalho, Sebestian A.D. Carvalho Stipendary: Atmaram Pandurang, Paul Francis Gomes, Fardemjee Jamshetji, Ananta Chandroba Dkule, J.C. Lisoba, Manoel Antonio D'Abrew.
The first professors of Grant Medical College were Charles Morehead, M.D., FRCS, Professor of "The Institute of Practice of Medicine", Dr. John Peet, M.D., FRCS, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery and Dr. Herbert John Giraud, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica.
In 1849 two more teachers joined the college. Dr. W. C. Colls taught Medical Jurispudence and Dr. R. D. Peele taught Midwifery.
Attendance was not quite satisfactory during the first year. In following years, however, it became so good that students declined to take advantage of holidays but preferred to attend classes. less