There are several mental and emotional consequences that a person suffering from sex addiction faces. But, sex addiction not only remains restricted to the suffering of an individual only, it also harms to the other person in the relationship. When a partner in a marriage or relationship is a sex addict, other person has to go through lot of mental and physical turmoil. Sexual addiction can disrupt the relationship; however, there are things that decide the fate of consequences. Here are some factors which decide how severely partners of sex addicts GTA can be affected due to sex addiction of his/her spouse.
- Type and level of addiction
- How long the addiction been there
- Whether it is progressing and causing serious behavioral changes or not
- Whether there are children in relationship or not
- If he/she as more than one addiction
Addiction is something which if not treated properly or on time, then it will only get worse and so does will relationship. Sex addicts certainly need the right treatment. There are therapies and counseling treatment out there which can help addicts in getting over the disorder. However, the partners of porn addicts GTA is also most likely to need some sort of treatment at one point of time. For more information you may,
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Experts of sexual addiction says that the partner of sex addict often go through a tremendous amount of anger, shame, guilt and intense feeling of betrayal. If the partner does not have the access to the right counsel to understand the addiction and how to deal with it, then he/she is most likely to go in the worse state of mind, inviting the problems like depression and more. This in turn, will break the relationship and even after the breakup partner is most likely to suffer, as mental and emotional spots are hard to wash off.
Now for the partners, counseling is the best solution. There are professionals out there who are working to help partners get over the mental block. One such place is Jacqueline Thibodeau Counselling; here professionals provide effective counseling to the partners of sex addicts. If you are going through anything of such sort, then Jacqueline Thibodeau Counselling is the best place to go to. For more details you may,
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About Jacqueline Thibodeau Counselling:
Jacqueline Thibodeau Counselling is based in GTA, Canada helping people get over sex addiction and help for spouses of sex addicts GTA. This center is run by Jacqueline Thibodeau, a social worker and councilor for sex addiction.
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