Install 3D Body Scanning System for Accurate and Quick Measurement
3D scanning is a revolutionary technology which is deployed in several industries such as fashion and medical. Through 3 D scanning techniques, measurements can be obtained quickly and accurately which make it easy for designers to customize garments according to customer’s size. The benefit of this emerging technology in fashion market includes reduction in size related issues which enable customers to easily purchase dresses through online portals. Thus,
3D body scan helps is increasing sales while also saving customers time.
3D body scanner utilizes laser technology,
computer-aided design software and high resolution cameras that can capture accurate tailoring measurements in a few seconds. These devices are not only employed in fashion industry but also in fitness and medical centers. Several fitness centers make use of 3 D body scanners to measure obesity in terms of Body Volume Index. In medical field, ImageTwin body scan is used to track and monitor body shape of the patients which enable physicians to provide the best treatment depending upon the changes in body shape.
There are some companies which offer top class 3D body measurement devices and [TC]2 is the best among them. [TC]2 is the world’s largest manufacturer of 3D body scanning and measurement devices. All their products comprise of unique features and thus can be installed to cater for the measurement needs in fashion, medical and fitness industry.
They provide a vast array of 3D body scanner and measurement devices such as ImageTwin, mobile scanner, ImageTwin mirror, full color scanner as well as
pattern making software. These devices can accurately perform point to point measurement and are easy to set up. The amazing features of their 3 D body measurement system can benefit several brands and retailers and facilitate improved & hassle free buying. In addition to this, they also offer software for pattern grading and apparel designing.
[TC]2 is the reputed company that caters to the 3 D measurement and visualization demand for fitness, medical and apparel industry and strives harder to provide you highly efficient devices at affordable prices.
For more details regarding quality 3D body scanning devices, you can log on to: