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Turkey Croatia unable to scoreExtra Time

  • Leader
    March 25, 2024
    As we are currently in half Al-Farouq Aminu Jersey -time extra time, Croatia and Turkey are still battling it out in a very entertaining 0-0 draw although we now need to see some goals or at least a thrilling penalty encounter. Croatia looked to be strong Cole Anthony Jersey to take the lead in many moments of the match with Turkey just showing their threats on occasions. But into extra time t seems Turkey are putting their act together more and are pushing to take advantage. Great Match so Chuma Okeke Jersey far eventhough they spoiled my stake with the draw having put my money on the mighty Croatians. I Really think that Turkey have got what it takes to beat the Aaron Gordon Jersey thus over praised Croatians for their win against Germany and Wes Iwundu Jersey Turkeys spirit and determination will win them the match. Rustu has had an exceptional match so far replacing the suspended Volkan Demeriel!