A member will answer the multiple choice question given by previous member and he/ she has to set another MCQ to be answered by next member.
One has to provide minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 choices of answers.
Site has provided with the feature of starting multiple discussion topis. Accordingly we have created multiple MCQ sections dedicated to each system seperately.
Members can set MCQ on any /every topic related to that particular system under that section.
The aim is to organise the discussion and have question bank seperately on each system.
The group "Physical Signs in Medicine" is started under the category of "Class Room" for the benefit of UG / PG students.
It will be like a virtual clinic for UG /PG students. Here I as a group leader and class teacher will post information about various physical signs.
All those who want to take advantage of clinical knowledge must join the group and they will be enrolled as students of this virtual clinic.
I will take one sign at a time and post all relevent infromation along with photos / illustrations about it in as many posts as required till all the facts about that sign are completely discussed.
Then I will take another sign and start all over again.
Since the nail examination is very much important in medicine, first I will start with the physical signs that can be seen during nail examination.
Only enrolled students can post their doubts/difficulties here.
Chakaraka Chakarakachak chak chak....Makaraka Makaraka mak mak mak....who are we ?....GMCites!!who are we ?....GMCites!!This group is for all GMCites as those who studied / worked at Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India are known as.Grant Medical College is THE FIRST medical college started in Mumbai and is THE OLDEST.Grant Medical College and Sir J.J. Gr.of Hospitals is a premier and prestigious Institution. It is amongst the ten best medical colleges in the country. (India Today survey 2007).All GMCites around the world are invited to join this group to know /interact with each other.The aim also is to introduce this great college, its great history to the medical fraternity world over. Dr. Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine did his Bubonic plague research in Framji Dinshaw Petit research laboratory, b. 1891 in Grant Medical college. He succeeded in preparing a vaccine which saved countless lives.Robert Koch's work on Vibrio cholerae was done in two rooms of the old animal house of then Grant Medical college. Van Duke Carter discovered in pathology department the Spirochaetes of Relapsing Fever in Blood smears in 1907. It was here that Christopher and Caval worked on Malaria and Dr. Raghavendra Rao worked in on Tropical Diseases, Leprosy, Plague & Leishmaniasis. Please read the history of this college below.
Sir Jamsetjee Jeejebhoy group of Hospitals is a group of hospitals affiliated to Grant Medical College, Mumbai, India. More popularly it is known as J.J.Hospital / JJH.