sss → USMLE: hello, i m doin my final yr now. want to take usmle exams..can anyone guide me in step 1 n i want to know when i can go 4 it n wats de time gap 4 de next step?
Luke: To prepare for the usmle, get the kaplan textbooks for the usmle. You can get more information in the following sites . There is also specialised coaching available in several kaplan centers in india but it may cost you around ... moreTo prepare for the usmle, get the kaplan textbooks for the usmle. You can get more information in the following sites . There is also specialised coaching available in several kaplan centers in india but it may cost you around Rs. 50,000 per usmle step. But I feel it is worth it. Since you are in chennai, it has a big Kaplan center. Just google kaplan and chennai and you may find the actual address and the phone number of the center. After preparation you can take the step-1 exam in the prometric center in chennai or in other metros less